

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Anniversary Celebration

Just one week after Dan and I landed here, we celebrated our third wedding anniversary!  We both have wanted to live abroad for a long time, but I'm not sure that either of us thought we'd be so lucky as to be accomplishing that goal so soon into our marriage.  I won't get too sappy on here, but let me just say publicly that I have the best husband ever.

Anniversary flowers
Moving overseas is an amazing opportunity to challenge ourselves, see the world and grow as individuals and as a couple.  But the actual move is very stressful.  Deciding what to pack and what to put in storage; finding renters; making arrangements to ship the cats; quitting my job; saying good-bye to friends and's a lot to deal with.  But Dan has been really great throughout the whole process.  He's been really understanding about how I'm feeling (stressed, overwhelmed, excited, nervous, anxious to get settled) and lets me blow off steam when needed :)

In these past few weeks, we've spent a lot of time together--especially since I don't have a job, we didn't know anyone at first, and we're eating all of our meals out.  I am pleased to report that not only are we still on speaking terms, but we actually still love each other.  We took a moment out on our anniversary to do something extra special.  My wonderful husband gave me potted flowers.  Then we dressed up and went to one of the nicest restaurants in town to celebrate how lucky we really are.  I can't wait to see what the next three years bring!

Dinner at the Orchid


  1. I love the sentiments and I love the picture of you two. We are so happy that you and Dan have such a great relationship, it is a dream come true for parents like Dad and me.

  2. Happy Anniversary! What a special anniversary that you will never forget.

  3. Next three years?... One option: three little levins crawling on the floor.
