

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our New Baby: Part 2

I'm back for Part 2 of our driving adventures.  I'll let the videos do most of the talking, but I'll fill in a couple of blanks for you.  As you recall, neither Dan nor I are expert manual shift drivers. This did not deter us from buying a stick shift car.  It did, however, make it a bit tricky and embarrassing while test driving our new baby.  Nevertheless, despite a couple of stalls, some terrible gear changes and a close call with a pedestrian, the car salesman did his job and sold us the car.  He did ask for a schedule of when and where we'd be driving, but I'm sure he asks that of everyone.

A couple of days later we came back to pick up the car.  Here's what happened:

Fortunately, we made it back safely and have since been getting lots of practice.  We even drove up to Scotland this weekend!  We definitely have a long way to go before we are seasoned drivers (especially me!), but we're getting there.  And in the meantime, try and steer clear of Harrogate roads if you can :)

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