

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Small World

Three years ago Dan and I went on a two week Mediterranean honeymoon cruise to Italy and Croatia. The whole thing was fantastic! The sights were amazing, our ship was beautiful, and we made some good friends along the way.

We were assigned an awesome dinner table that consisted of four other couples--two other Americans, and six Brits. We actually kept in touch with two of the British couples, so as soon as we found out we were moving here we told them the good news. I know that England is a small country, but I didn't realize how small. It turns out that two of our friends live only 40 minutes from Harrogate! In fact, Carl regularly walks in the Yorkshire Dales, which are practically in our backyard (or, "garden" as the Brits say).

Cruise Gang 3 years ago

Last weekend we got to meet up with our Pam and Carl.  It was so great to see them again!  It seems like nothing has changed over the past three years.  They are such genuinely nice people.  They've invited us to stay with them for a long weekend so we can explore some of the world-famous Christmas markets and lights displays near them.  

As a side note--I think the British version of distance is so funny, and very different from the American version.  As I just said, they invited us to stay with them for a weekend because they are 40 minutes away.  Do they realize that is literally half the time of my last commute to work?!

It was a great afternoon and I'm looking forward to seeing them again soon!

Pam, Carl, me and Dan in the UK


  1. HAHA! It's the same here....going to Seoul is at most a 3 hour drive, and people still stop at regular intervals to switch drivers and take a break....and 15 minutes is "too far" to drive....

  2. I know! It's hilarious! Their sense of time is so different than ours! Ha!
