

Friday, April 1, 2016

Cherry Blossom Festival 2016

There are few greater things than springtime in Washington, DC. The air warms, the trees bloom, the tourists horde. Ok, maybe that last part isn't so great, but everything else is pretty spectacular. People just seem happier in the spring. The kickoff to spring, for me at least, is the Cherry Blossom Festival.

Every year botanists and meteorologists predict when the hundreds of cherry blossoms will be at their peak. This year it was Friday, March 25. The next day we packed up the family and headed to the Mall to see the spectacular blooms.

I was worried that it would be an absolute madhouse with all the locals and tourists swarming the Tidal Basin. And it was, but it was so much fun! We brought some food and spread out near the Washington Monument for a picnic and dancing.

We ended our outing with some ice cream! I had one of the best root beer floats of my life. The trick was that they nearly filled the cup with soft serve, added a tiny bit of root beer, and then blended it before adding more ice cream and root beer. Heavenly! Dan and Z enjoyed their soft serve too. What a great day out!

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