

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Flinders Chase, Vivonne Bay and Little Sahara

Another relaxed day on KI.  We woke up kind of late--around 9:00--and drove out to Flinders Chase to see Admiral's Arch, fur seals, and the Remarkable Rocks.  Unfortunately, it started raining as we were getting to the fur seal lookout.  We decided we were not really enjoying the view as much as we could, so we went back to our house for a mid-morning tea to wait out the rain.  It was actually really nice.  We built another fire and just sat and read for a while.  We also chatted with the manager of the property, James, who was very nice.

After lunch we ventured back out and the weather was much better.  Admiral's Arch was really beautiful.  And there were seals everywhere--hundreds of them!  It was like the pier in San Francisco--times ten.  

The remarkable rocks were actually very cool too.  They are huge rocks that have been eroded into crazy shapes.  Dan and I actually got into a rock and took pictures.

 Next we went to check out Vivonne Beach.  It was voted as one of the top three beaches in the Pacific a couple of years ago.  We were initially hoping to try surfing again, but the weather wasn't great.  We weren't that impressed with the beach though.  There was a lot of seaweed on the sand and there was absolutely no infrastructure--no chairs, umbrellas, food stands, toilets, etc.  The waves were pretty though.

Our next stop was Little Sahara.  We weren't sure how it was going to be because of the rain, but it was awesome!  Little Sahara is a bunch of giant sand dunes that you can sled or board down.  We got there a little too late to rent boards, but a really nice couple lent us theirs so we could try it out.  Wow, was it fun!  Getting up on the hill was so hard though!  Once we were up there, we laid on our stomachs on the sled and flew down the hill.  It was awesome.

A new group of people were staying at the house tonight.  There were ten of them who all worked in Sydney for a business consulting firm.  They were from all over the world though, including one girl from Dallas.  Another girl is from the US but was living in Hong Kong and just applied to my master's program at Georgetown.  Small world.

Tomorrow is our last full day in Australia :(

Read more about our trip to Australia:
Off and Running
Blue Mountains and Wildlife
We Are Now a Hostel-Free Family
A Night on the Reef
Day Two on the Reef
Travel Day
Great Ocean Road!
To Kangaroo Island
Eating Our Way Through Kangaroo Island
Last Day in Australia
Longest Day Ever

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