

Thursday, March 4, 2010

To Kangaroo Island

Today was another travel day.  We drove from Lorne in the morning to Melbourne to catch a flight to Adelaide and then to Kangaroo Island (KI).  Dan had a good idea to see if we could find a kosher restaurant in Melbourne for lunch.  It took us forever, but we did eventually find one.  Although there is a large Jewish population in the city, Kosher restaurants have a hard time staying open.  Our lamb schwarma was really good though.

Traffic was pretty bad on the way to the airport and we were worried we were going to be late.  We made it though.  Over the last 2.5 days, we drove hundreds of kilometers!

Our flight to Adelaide was fine.  We got there in time for dinner before our next flight.  My ears have still been bothering me so we found a pharmacy and talked to the pharmacist.  He recommended getting smaller ear planes and some pain killers with codine.  Wow!  What a difference.  Apparently I have tiny ears and never realized it.  These plugs were so much better.

Our flight to KI was on a tiny plane!  The flight was 18 minutes long.  When we got to KI, we got our car and drove to Kingscote where we were staying for the night.  It was already around eight when we arrived, but we really wanted to do the penguin night walk.  Kingscote has hundreds of fairy penguins, which are small, blue penguins.  They are nocturnal.  The walk was really cool.  We saw TONS of birds.  They can't see red, so our guide had a bright red light so we could see them.  The sky was also perfectly clear so we got great views of the southern stars.  It was really beautiful.  We could even see the Milky Way!

Exhausted around eleven, we finally went to sleep.

Read more about our trip to Australia:
Off and Running
Blue Mountains and Wildlife
We Are Now a Hostel-Free Family
A Night on the Reef
Day Two on the Reef
Travel Day
Great Ocean Road!
Eating Our Way Through Kangaroo Island
Flinders Chase, Vivonne Bay and Little Sahara
Last Day in Australia
Longest Day Ever

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