

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Beginnings!

I'm here!  I love it! I've been in not-so-sunny England for almost a week now and I can already tell I am going to be very happy here!  Harrogate, located in northern England, will be my new home for at least the next three years.  It's pretty crazy to think about.  Since I've only been here a few days it still feels like I'm on vacation (especially since I'm not working), but little things are starting to add up letting me know that this is not a normal vacation.  It is going to be a big adjustment, but I think I'm ready for it.

I'll try to keep this blog updated as Dan and I navigate our new beginnings.  I'll let you know all about the house-hunting, job-hunting, car-buying, food-eating and site-seeing  Stay's going to be an interesting ride!

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