

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

I am not a big fan of Valentine's day and never have been.  I get why people are in to it, but I'd rather have someone show me they love me all 365 days a year rather than just one day.  So Dan and I have never gone out of our way to celebrate.

Earlier this year though, we both said we weren't going to do anything big for Chanukah.  I took that to heart and got Dan a couple small, practical gifts.  Dan, however, went above and beyond and got me a set of Le Cruset ramekins.  So, to assuage my guilt a little bit, I thought I would do something nice for him on Valentine's day.  After all, isn't that what it's about?  One-upping your spouse?

This week's Spouses on Sabbatical project was learning new knife skills and creating the mother (or leading) sauces.  One of the mother sauces is hollandaise, which gave me a great idea for what to serve Dan for dinner.  The menu: smoked salmon eggs benedict; sauteed mushrooms; fruit salad; and homemade cinnamon buns for dessert! 

I wanted to make it a surprise so that he would be ambushed by my love :)  Unfortunately, he saw the smoked salmon in the fridge and knew something was up.  When he came home from work, he was ready. 

Flowers AND Girl Scout Cookies!!

Dan's the best.  He brought me beautiful flowers and was able to track down some Girl Scout cookies!  I have no idea where he got them.  He also gave me a fantastic massage.  Yay!

The food was a big hit too.  The pictures don't do the cinnamon buns justice.  I wish you could smell them from where you are.  They were heavenly.

Valentine's Meal

Cinnamon Buns--Much Better in Real Life

Overall, it was a fantastic night.  Dan didn't help me lose some of the guilt from Chanukah, but I'm OK with it.  I guess I'll just have to find another time to surprise him with something nice :)

1 comment:

  1. Calli you crack me up. Valentine's Day (and any holiday for that matter) is about one-upping your spouse - it is ALL about being able to say I WIN at the end of the day :) Mark and I aren't big on Valentine's Day either. We take turns each year swapping off who is in charge of it. One year I did such a terrible job at Valentine's Day dinner (think: rubbery pasta) that I ended up having a do-over year the following year. Your dinner sounds AH-mazing and I want some cinnamon buns. PS - I have a recipe for Girl Scout Samoas...
