

Monday, January 28, 2013

Dina and Ed Come to England!

Last week one of my best friends came to visit me in England! The last time I saw Dina was at her wedding in April.

In the nearly 13 years we've known each other, this is the longest time we've gone without seeing each other. It was so great to spend some quality time with her and her new hubby Ed!

We managed to squeeze a lot into their four days in North Yorkshire. Dina and Ed were treated to a gorgeous snowy England. This is definitely the most snow we've had since Dan and I have been here. We made the most of it with great outdoor hikes and lots of tea breaks :)

Harrogate in the snow

Tea break!

Some highlights included our time with Mr. George Pickles, the Ripon Hornblower, and our visit to Richmond. Everything was closed for winter, but we went on a fun hike around the castle.

The Ripon Hornblower

Waterfalls in Richmond

Richmond castle

We did tons more, but I didn't take a lot of pictures. Overall, it was a great few days! It went by way too fast, of course. Thanks for coming to visit us Dina and Ed! Come back soon!

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