

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Passover 2016

Another Passover is in the books. We are officially back to eating "regular food" and I'm already mourning the absence of matzoh. Maybe I'll just have a few more days of matzoh and cream cheese for breakfast. Here's a quick recap of this year's holiday. 

To me, Passover means family. I am so lucky that my family was able to join us this year in DC. It was a short visit, but it was so fun having my mom, dad, and sister spend time with us. What's crazy is that this is the last visit where it's just us before the baby comes!

Pre-Passover Prep:
There is always a ton of work to do before Passover starts, but it was nice fitting in quality family time before the festivities really started. After a traditional last brunch filled with chametz (pancakes, bagels, french toast, oatmeal), mom, Bradi, and I went to a really relaxing nail salon for manicures and pedicures. I splurged (I mean, my mom splurged--thanks mom!) and got a super fancy pedicure with orange slices in the water and tons of beautiful sugar scrubs from which to choose. It was lovely.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I love Passover food. There's all the traditional stuff, like matzoh ball soup, brisket, noodle kugel, gefilte fish, charoset, home-made horseradish (that my dad totally nails!). But, also, in an effort to make up for not being able to eat leavened products, we go completely overboard and eat junk we would never eat year round: Dr. Brown's Black Cherry soda (which you know I love!), potato chips, and so many desserts. This year I had a great little dessert-making helper.

Eating a pre-Seder mazoh ball

Speaking of desserts, do yourself a favor and make these cookies! Don't wait for Passover, make them now. I made them last year too and can't get enough of them.

This year we had a great first seder with friends and a low-key second seder at home. It was so exciting though because it was the first year Zahara could say the four  questions! Well, we only practiced one of them, but it was pretty impressive for a 2-year old! She sang the first question in Hebrew both nights. I am so proud!

Redeeming the Afikomen with Pop

Can't wait until next year when Baby Boy Levin will be joining us!

Read previous Passover posts:
2015: Passover Recap
2014: Passover in Paris
2013: Passover PreparationPassover Musings
2012: Happy Passover!Road Trip

1 comment:

  1. What can I say, another fabulous read, Carl and I love your blogs. It sounds like Passover was a great success. Zahara is so beautiful and turning into a real young lady Hope you are all well and we can't wait for the next blog. Keep safe
