Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Summer Musings by Asher

I can't keep up with writing down all the hilarious things Asher is saying these days. He's so chatty, and is at the stage where he's curious about everything. And I mean everything.

Thought 1:
Asher: Dear G-d, You are the best G-d ever. You make the plants grow. Thank you.

Thought 2:
Asher: Mommy, let's both be monkeys. That's my dream.

Thought 3:
Asher: Mommy, can I see your vagina?
Me: No, that's private. We don't show people our private parts.
Asher: Can I see my penis?
Me: Yes, you can look at your own penis.
Asher, checking his pants: Yup, it's great!

Click here to see some of Asher's previous thoughts.
And to see his equally insightful and hilarious sister, click here.

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