Friday, June 24, 2016

35 Weeks

Dates: June 15-21

Baby is the Size of a: honeydew melon (approximate length and weight: 18 inches, 5 1/4 pounds)

How I'm Feeling: Much happier than last week. Between our fun beach vacation and Dan's birthday, it was a great week. It was tough walking so much in Atlantic City, but still not nearly as bad as it was last pregnancy with Zahara. The physical therapy definitely has made a difference.

How I'm Changing: It looks like the swollen feet are here to stay, sadly.

What I'm Eating: Ice cream! Hey, it's not my fault. We were at the beach. What am I supposed to do? Go against hundreds of years of tradition? Not likely.

What the Baby is Doing: Still moving like crazy. He's head's down, which is great, but as he gets bigger I can feel him everywhere simultaneously: in my ribs, pushing at my belly button, very low's distracting. Especially when he gets the hiccups, which seems to be all the time.

Read about my first pregnancy:
My Pregnancy
Week 35

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